суббота, 23 февраля 2019 г.

Final Topic 6

Hello I will tell you about crimes and something like this.
Cyber crime is very popular now. Hackers are highly intelligent programmers who can easily break into your computer system and infect it with a virus or a worm. When you creating an email account you shouldn't use your age or home information. And choose the smart and difficult to understand combination of letters in your password. When you have created your email don't open the emails from people you don"t know, just delete them. Finally, keep your software updates and run anti-virus scans regularly.

Did you watch detective TV series? On popular crime drama series like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, the latest scientific methods are used to collect and analyse physical evidence and solve horrible crimes in record time. But just how realistic is all this? So, Ben .. is your job anything like what we see on CSI? Well.. mostly no! On the show, investigators seem to end every work day with a dramatic arrest, but sometimes our cases aren't solved for months. Also, on CSI you see that everything is being done by one or two people. So what's a typical day like for you, Ben? There's no typical day because every case is different. Finally, what are the best and the worst parts of your job? Well, this job definitely isn't for everyone. Some crime scenes can be very distressing. On the other hand, it's wonderful when a case has been solved and your evidence played a role in that.

Vandalism is a crime, but can we say that this is a vandalism? Street Art divides public opinion; it is seen by some as a way to brighten up our communities while it is considered by others to be nothing but vandalism. For example, “graffiti knitting”, creating colourful decorations for lampposts, parking meters, cars and statues. Lego “repair work” was created by German artist Jan Vormann. Jan spent three years travelling the world, fixing crumbling walls and monuments with Lego.

Graffiti may not be what first comes to mind when you think of Saint Petersburg but that may be changing Grafffest, The International Petersburg Graffiti Art Forum,is a new exciting and innovative art festival held Saint Petersburg every summer. Artists and designers from all over the world create their graffiti masterpieces in the streets of the city . Grafffest is a great festival that brings people together.

Agatha Christie was a famous English crime writer who is best known for her detective featuring Hercule Poirot and Miss Jane Marple Agatha was born in 1890 in the seaside town of Torquay in Devon England. Her family was well to-do and conservative. Although Agatha never attended school she didn't lack education. She taught herself how to read when she was only four. Agatha was a shy child and, having problems expressing herself verbally, turned to writing and became very good at making up stories. During the First World War, Agatha worked as nurse in a hospital and it was during this time that Agatha Christie got the idea of writing a detective novel. Although she finished the story in a year it wasn't published until five years later The Mysterious Affair at Styles introduced 13 the retired Belgian police officer, Hercule Poirot, to the world and was a great success. Following this, Agatha would write more than 30 novels featuring Poirot. And according to the Guinness Book of records, Agatha Christic is the best-selling writer of her time with over four billion books sold throughout the world. In 1971, she was awarded the high honour of Dame of the British Empire before passing away peaccfully on 21st January 1976.

Neighbourhood Watch is the UK's largest voluntary organisation. Its objective is to prevent crime and make sure that no one has to feel afraid, vulnerable, or isolated in the community in which they live. But it also tries to improve the quality of life in the community and can involve other activities such as caring for elders and environmental work.

воскресенье, 3 февраля 2019 г.

Final Topic 5

Our world is full of things that are unknown for you. And you can try to experience them. For example:

And the experience of changes. Mahatma Gandhi once said 'Be the change you want to see in the world'. This is exactly what this person has done. Liz Murray has shared the stage with world leaders like Mikhail Gorbachev and the Dalai Lama as an international speaker. It's hard to believe that at the age of 16 she was homeless and sleeping on park benches and underground trains! She went back to school and through dedication and determination, she eventually won a scholarship to a top university. Since Liz graduated from Harvard in 2009, she has been speaking at events to teenagers about staying away from drugs and gangs.

Someone's words about experiencing an Indian wedding: My best friend Alisha first invited me to go with her to her cousin's wedding in India. It sounded so exotic and I wanted to come with her! When we walked out of the airport, a large group of Alisha's family were waiting to greet us. After having greeted. The night was the Sangeet, the first night of the wedding celebrations. The following afternoon , it was the Mehndi party. Mehndi is the decoration of the hands and feet with a dye called henna. On the morning of the wedding Alisha surprised me with a gift - a green and gold silk sari. It was comfortable to wear. The groom arrived wearing white and riding white horse. Then the bride and groom , during the ceremony, walked around the fire or exchanged flower garlands. We ate lots of traditional food. I felt lucky that I had an experience in Indian wedding.

And the experience of a celebration in Russia. lvan Kupala Day is an ancient holiday still celebrated in a lot of countries, including Russia. It is a huge celebration of the sun and takes place every year around the summer solstice, the day the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. It is a popular and fun holiday filled with a variety of rites and ceremonies connected with water, fire, and plants. On the evening before Ivan Kupala Day, people look through their gardens or wander around forested areas looking for fern flowers. Legend also has it that when the fern flower blossoms, you can see all the treasures of the Earth.

Also the experience of living in foreign country I am Stephen Marshall, I had a great opportunity to study and live in a completely different Mexico, because I have been learning Spanish for three years now and I wanted to improve my language skills. The best moments of my experience are communication with the host family. I still have difficulty understanding social etiquette. Last week, for example, a new Mexican friend invited me to dinner, and I came right on time. My host looked a little surprised. Later I learned that Mexicans usually come to the reception not less than half an hour later. Without a doubt, it was the best experience in my life. I became more confident, patient and sociable, and my Spanish improved even more than I expected.

Or the UK etiquette experience. If you are meeting someone for the first time
1. extend a hand to say hello.2. Also, it is important to make eye contact while speaking with someone; otherwise you will seem rude or insincere.3. In the UK, a smile is a sign of friendliness and even politeness.4. Keep a distance of about half a meter from people, unless you are in a crowded place.5. If someone invites you to dinner, bring a small gift, such as flowers, a good sign of gratitude. Be sure to come on time and if you are late, call your landlord to apologize.6. In addition, it is very important to keep your mouth closed while chewing.7. If you eat in a restaurant, expect to pay the waiter a tip of 10 percent of the bill, but not if the service is secondary.

If you didn't want to experience that things, there are many others that I didn't tell about. And of course there will be some for you.