понедельник, 21 октября 2019 г.

Customer service

  For now I will be an owner of a supermarket. To make my shop popular and comfortable for people to visit, I need to have some customer services.
  For example I can put some chairs near the exit. If somebody wants to wait for another person inside my shop, they would be happy to wait on those chairs.
  Also I can reduce prices on some products may be four times in a year.
  I think some of the good customer services would be that the shop works 24 hours a day. It would be very useful if somebody returned from a flight at night.
  In my shop customers would have a chance to pay by credit cards.
  And I think that it would be a good idea to have a web site, where you can see what's in stock.
  I would like to see those customer services in every supermarket. And I would definitely go more often in those shops.

воскресенье, 13 октября 2019 г.

Vocabulary Design Picture Description

On the picture I can see a customer, who is standing in a supermarket near the cashier. The man wants to buy some bags and the cashier asks the man what bags does he need. The shop offers the man two choices: paper or plastic bags. But I think that the man isn't sure what bags are better, because plastic bags are bad for environment, but cheap and paper bags are expensive, but not so bad for environment. So the man stands there and thinks, even cashier is getting bored. But cashier is polite, so she doesn't say anything. After a while the man makes a decision to buy paper bags. The woman sells those bags, maybe even for redused price.

четверг, 3 октября 2019 г.


On monday we have  presented our first project in this school year. We needed to make a breaking news episode based on information from our Student Book. On the lesson I have listened to five breaking news episodes. I have listened to Dasha Usynina, Dasha Kudelya, Alexandra, Vasilisa and Serafima.
  First of all I think that Vasilisa needs to work on grammar. Because she often used grammatical structures where they don't belong. Also had issues with pronunciation of words.
  Dasha Kudelya had problems a little bit with pronunciation and grammar. So the same mistakes as Vasilisa.
Alexandra needs to work on pronunciation, grammar as well and also she forgot a part of a text.
  Serafima had a good speech but she had some issues with grammar and she I think that she looked in the text too many times.
Dasha Usynina did a good job I think. She had some mistakes, but not many.
  I think each one of us definetly made a good breaking news episode and confirmed his level of english.