четверг, 3 октября 2019 г.


On monday we have  presented our first project in this school year. We needed to make a breaking news episode based on information from our Student Book. On the lesson I have listened to five breaking news episodes. I have listened to Dasha Usynina, Dasha Kudelya, Alexandra, Vasilisa and Serafima.
  First of all I think that Vasilisa needs to work on grammar. Because she often used grammatical structures where they don't belong. Also had issues with pronunciation of words.
  Dasha Kudelya had problems a little bit with pronunciation and grammar. So the same mistakes as Vasilisa.
Alexandra needs to work on pronunciation, grammar as well and also she forgot a part of a text.
  Serafima had a good speech but she had some issues with grammar and she I think that she looked in the text too many times.
Dasha Usynina did a good job I think. She had some mistakes, but not many.
  I think each one of us definetly made a good breaking news episode and confirmed his level of english.

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